Saturday, June 18, 2011

College Hill & Northside know that PUPPETS ROCK!!!

It's been a busy week for the Wump Mucket Puppets and we love it!  Two shows performed in the same week and I haven't lost my voice!  Remarkable. 

A HUGE thank you to everyone who came to see our puppet shows in College Hill and our home turf of Northside.  We love to perform for you.  I honestly believe that keeping the puppet show small and local really is, in the grand scheme of things, something big!

I look forward to our next puppet show that will be INSIDE an air conditioned building!  YIPPEE!!!
Come and join us on Wednesday July 6th at the Northside branch of the Cincinnati Public Library at 3 PM.
You can look forward to a couple of new songs that the puppets and I have been working on over the last few weeks.  As Coleman has said before, "It's gonna be great!"

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