I am happy. I am tired. I am not tired of being happy. In all honestly I have LOTS of crap (icky) going on outside my "puppetry world" that has no place here. Luckily I have made progress in writing the script for my new show that will be performed in late September.
Writing this show has been easier than before since I have always kept notebooks and scraps of paper with bits & pieces scrawled down for future use. I only needed the time to roll in into a little puppet show that made me chuckle. My lovely wife suggested a few weeks back to get out of the house, away from the chaos of everyday life. This worked like a charm. One trip to our neighborhood coffee shop and I had most of the centerpiece sketch done, and cleaned up the lyrics to the opening song.
A few days later I escaped to The Northside Tavern, to ignore the wildlife and bands to format the show into a production that will work. This needs a bit of tweaking, yet has a solid base to work from.
Are you still interested? Great, because I have really good feelings about the show and the style of humor that I am writing.
About that... Why do SO MANY so called "family" shows (tee-vee, movies, whatever) have to include fart/burp jokes, rude humor, or material that should NEVER be seen by children? Last year we had to take our son to the hospital and sit in the waiting area for quite a while. The tee-vee was on The Disney Channel, I think the show was "That's So Raven" or something like that. It was unbearable. As we were the only people in the waiting area I muted the crap. THIS IS FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT?
Children are supposed to "enjoy" this stuff? WTF?!?
If this is what passes as "quality family entertainment" these days, then I am William Shakespeare.
Lara (my lovely wife) and I talk about media and childhood often. We were both born in the 60's, we both watched TONS of cartoons, re-runs, commercials, etc. We agree that the "crap" back then was far less harmful than the CRAP that is launched at children today. Our crap was sometimes junky, today it is TOXIC!
It is in knowing this that I pledge, as a father of two young children (ages 5 & 3), I will never perform family entertainment that I would not perform in front of them or my own mother. I wonder if the people who produce today's junk can say that? I doubt it very much.
TEASER ALERT: The title of the song that will be at the start of the show is [DRUM ROLL PLEASE] "A Song About Cryptozoology".
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